Take everyday activities

and optimise them for health


A collection of testimonials that show the potential benefits of using Nikken technologies.
Please note that these technologies are NOT designed to heal or cure. Everybody is different – these technologies are designed simply to create an environment where the body is more able to create balance for itself.

Sleep, anxiety (3mins)

children & sleep (2mins)

Joints & Water (3mins)

Shoulders (4mins)

Back injury (10mins)

insomnia (6mins)

The Indoor Generation

Let Nature Back into Your Home

A Wake Up Story

From Healthy Child Healthy World

At Health Indoors our vision is to empower you with simple, yet effective tools for self care that help you reconnect and stay connected to Nature as a way to support your immune system, and create optimum health and vitality in our increasingly technological world.

I’m Amelia and I have made it my business to connect others to the unique Wellness Home concept from Nikken. As a health conscious parent who wants to maintain a naturally energised and healthy family, but doesn’t have time to shop around endlessly, I created Health Indoors to act as a guide for simple, effective and natural solutions to support health at home.

I am always looking at new and innovative ways to stay well in the modern world, that don’t require massive lifestyle changes, and studying the ever growing range of solutions that are out there. I am grateful to be able to help and support other family’s in their journey towards better health and life in balance.

Hidden Hazards in Your Home

FREE eBook to help you identify the Hidden Hazards in Your Home that are compromising your Sleep, and ultimately your Immune System.

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Top 3 ESSENTIAL Areas for Health

FREE eBook to help you identify the ESSENTIAL areas to focus on to optimise your health and energy. Good Health is NOT an accident.

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