Hydrogen is the smallest molecule and therefore is able to penetrate every cell of the body. It is a tasteless, colourless and odourless gas. When added to water, it becomes hydrogen...
PiMag Water Articles
PiMag Water Filters On Sale – 20% Off
PiMag Water Discount - on sale until 17th April 2021 Was £263.00 - NOW £210.41When it comes to having enough energy all day, everyday, you may be overlooking the main source of energy, the...
How Can I Make Structured Water?
Structured Water - Nature Prefers Hexagons Structured Water or Hexagonal Water is how pure clean water exists in nature. This is the water that when frozen and pictured under a microscope...
What is Micro Clustered Water?
What is Micro Clustered Water? Have you ever drunk a large glass of water and then felt really full or bloated when it ‘lands’ in your stomach? Water molecules are identified as h2o, two...
How Can Water Affect Your Health?
Want to know how Water can affect your health? It may seem like a simple thing to suggest but drinking more water everyday will have a dramatic effect on your health, energy and will...
How to Reduce Your Body Burden
Want to know how to reduce your body burden? When you reduce the burden of chemicals in your body, you take the strain off your system and support your health and immune system. Our bodies...
Is PiMag Water Cheaper Than Bottled Water?
If you're wondering whether PiMag Water is cheaper than buying bottled water, then you're in the right place. The Environmental Cost Firstly it depends on whether you're talking about the...
How to Lose Weight with Water
Want to know how to lose weight with water? There are so many people on a diet wanting to drop their weight. Diets tend to focus on food - what not to eat, when not to eat and ideally not...
PiMag Waterfall Troubleshooting tips and Set-up Instructions
This guide has been put together to help you through all the steps of setting up you filter as well as any PiMag Waterfall troubleshooting tips and tricks you may find helpful.