Replacement Filters, Mineral Stones, Sponges

Click on relevant PiMag Water System to view the replacement filters, sponges, mineral stones and other replacement parts available to order from Health Indoors Nikken Online Shop.

PiMag Waterfall Filter

Replacement Filter Cartridge and Mineral Stones

nikken pimag waterfall replacement filter cartridge mineral stones

Replacement Filters and Mineral Stones

Order individually or look for discounts and special offers for buying in bulk or as a set.

PiMag Water System

Replacement Micro Sponges, Filter Cartridge and Jugs

Replacement Filter and Sponge

Order individually or buy as a SET for a discounted price and keep an eye out for our Sale items.

PiMag Water Bottle

Replacement Filter Cartridge and Spout

Replacement Filter and Spout

Order 2-pack of replacement filter cartridges that each come with a new spout for your bottle.